
SAR Education Center and Museum

The SAR Museum is currently under construction on Main Street in Louisville.  It will include interactive galleries designed by industry-leading Solid Light, Inc., that will lead visitors on an unforgettable journey that spans the entire American Revolution, introducing them to the pivotal people and events of the period.   As an immersive visitor experience, the Museum will feature digital displays and large-scale multimedia productions, as well as exhibits from our extensive archival collection.  View the video below to see all that the Museum will be!

We need your help to make the SAR Education Center and Museum a reality in time to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of American Independence in 2026. Gifts of all levels have an impact, and there are still naming opportunities available. Please consider making a gift to this once-in-a-lifetime project by clicking here!

If you are a State Society, click here to help meet the California SAR Challenge.